Clean gutters are a key component of a well-maintained home. They help to keep your property looking good, protect your roof and keep your home healthy by redirecting rainwater away from your foundation.

Gutters stuffed with debris can lead to problems like water damage to the interior or exterior of your home, mold and can become breeding grounds for rodents and pests. Neglecting gutters will only result in more costly repairs later.

 While most roof and gutter cleaning experts agree that you should have your gutters cleaned at least twice a year in the spring, and once in the fall. This frequency depends on a numberof factors, some of which, for instance climate changes, are beyond human control hence cleaning the gutters as often as necessary is the way to go.

The following are details on the how many times you should clean your gutter, when to clean and the factors that influence the cleaning frequency.

Factors that Determine How Often to Clean Gutters

Gutters generally require frequent cleaning. Cleaning the gutters twice a year might prove to be ineffective. The number of times the gutters are washed and the time interval for the next cleaning are determined by various factors. The factors that determine the frequency of gutter cleaning are caused by changes in weather patterns and nature. Changes in the weather pattern, especially during winter, cause intense clogging of gutters with debris.

Some factors that affect the frequency of gutter cleaning include:

The Type of Roof that one has

For homeowners who have roofs that have complicated shapes, their frequency of cleaning gutters automatically increases. Huge roofs attract more debris that normally finds its way to the gutter system and results in blockage. The presence of gutter valleys also affects gutter-cleaning frequency since the valleys store too much dirt. The gutter valleys require frequent cleaning to avoid infections and clogging of gutters.

Weather Patterns

During winter, gutters would require frequent cleaning since freezing temperature causes gutters to clog. Although the process would be tough, it is necessary to remove the solid blocks of debris formed by ice to unblock the gutters.

During heavy rains, household owners should refrain from gutter cleaning considering the slippery effect caused by water. Heavy rains would, therefore, reduce the frequency of gutter cleaning.

During seasons of high winds, homeowners should clean gutters more often. The wind carries debris to gutters, therefore, resulting in clogging of gutters. The strong winds also pose a safety concern for homeowners since working from a ladder becomes unsafe. The high winds, therefore, reduce the frequency of cleaning gutters.

Number & Types of Trees in the Homestead

Fewer trees in a homestead would translate to less frequent gutter cleaning since fewer leaves and branches find their way to the gutters. On the contrary, more trees in a homestead create more debris that finds its way to gutters. Homeowners with many trees require frequent gutter cleaning.

At the same time, some tree types shed more leaves and flowers while others shed fewer. More flowers, leaves and twigs will demand more frequent cleaning.

Number of Birds in the Compound

Some bird species prefer to create nests in gutters. The presence of nests on gutters requires immediate cleaning. This would affect the frequency of gutter cleaning since gutters get clogged by nests.

Grass and other Vegetation

Grass and other plants found in a person’s compound often find a way to the gutter. The grass can grow in gutter systems; hence, this growth affects the frequency of cleaning the gutter. It is advisable to remove all plant matter from gutters to prevent clogging.

Cleaning Price

A homeowner’s ability to negotiate prices with gutter cleaning companies also affects the frequency of gutter cleaning. When a homeowner negotiates the right price that does not harm them financially, they perform gutter cleaning frequently. It all boils down to a homeowner’s ability to get the fairest price.

Location of the building

When a building is located in an open field, near woodlands or exposed in an area prone to wind, gutters require cleaning at the end of each season. That is, the gutters require cleaning at least four times a year. This is due to heavy debris carried by the wind that finds its way to gutters. This causes heavy clogging of

The homeowners’ preferable frequency

The number of times a homeowner prefers the gutters cleaned also affects the frequency. Different people have diverse opinions on the frequency depending on their financial ability and their cleanliness strategies.

If you are the kind of a person who does regular inspections on gutters you will perhaps do not need any serious cleaning…if you must, it will be probably once in a year.

Shape of the Roof and its Size

Large and complicated roofs require cleaning at the end of every season. This is due to the huge amount of debris that washes into the gutter system.

The Roofing Material

For roofs that have tiles, the start of spring and summer is the best for gutter cleaning. Roof tiles often erode and deposit silt that finds its way to gutters. Silt creates a perfect environment for plants to grow on gutters. The plants tend to grow at the start of spring and summer. Cleaning during these seasons reduces blockages of gutters.

When Should you Clean Gutters?

 In most but not all cases, the first time is in the spring since rain increases drastically during this time. The second cleaning is done during the fall since, during this time, a lot of debris falls into gutters.

However, the best time of the year is whenever you spot dirt or debris and especially when the gutters are dry. Why when they’re dry? This not only makes it easier to see when they need cleaning, but also lets you inspect them for issues such as holes, cracks or missing sections.

You should also clean gutters when they’re dry so that you can spot debris such as leaves, twigs and other small particles before they turn into a channel for water to flow into your home

What Happens if you don’t Clean your Gutters?

When gutters aren’t cleaned regularly, debris can build up and cause water to pool instead of running off, which can lead to water damage, saggy gutters, wet basements, mold growth, and even structural damage to your home.

How long does it take to Clean Gutters?

Usually, routine cleaning of your gutters only takes a few hours, but if you’ve got a lot of gutters to clean it can take a few days or longer. The time will vary dependind on a few factors, including how much debris is in your gutters, how many branches are on your trees, and how clean you keep them.

Do Gutters with Gutter Guards Need to be Cleaned?

Yes, gutters with guards require cleaning. They are washed less often compared to gutters without guards but require to be cleaned at least once a year and require inspection during that time. Although they have a layer of protection, dirt and debris pile up and often block drainage. Routine cleaning and inspection is necessary through all seasons.

When should you Clean in the Fall?

Cleaning is essential at the end of fall simply because winter follows. Cleaning at the end of autumn reduces the risk of having clogged gutters. Once the winter season starts, debris gets frozen and poses a cleaning challenge.  At the end of fall, more debris will have collected, therefore creates an easier task for a gutter cleaner to clean the gutters at once.

In nutshell, regular inspection and cleaning of gutters is important. This lengthens your gutters’ life span and at the end of day it minimizes damages. Cleaning as soon as you spot dirt is the best approach but if you must carry out routine cleaning, let the frequency be twice or higher.

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